International Student Scholarships in France 2024: Field of Study Guide for Undergraduates

International Student Scholarships in France 2024: Field of Study Guide for Undergraduates

France has long been a beacon for international students seeking world-class education in a culturally rich environment. In 2024, the country continues to open its doors to bright minds from around the globe, offering a variety of scholarships tailored to specific fields of study. This comprehensive guide focuses on field of study scholarships available to undergraduate international students in France for the 2024 academic year.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to International Student Scholarships in France

2. Overview of Field of Study Scholarships

3. STEM Scholarships

4. Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarships

5. Arts and Culture Scholarships

6. Business and Economics Scholarships

7. Language and Linguistics Scholarships

8. Application Process and Requirements

9. Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application

10. Life as an International Student in France

11. Conclusion

Introduction to International Student Scholarships in France

France’s commitment to international education is evident in its diverse scholarship offerings for the 2024 academic year. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also serve as a gateway to experiencing French culture, language, and academic excellence. For undergraduate students, field of study scholarships present a unique opportunity to pursue their passions while receiving substantial support.

The French government, in collaboration with universities, private organizations, and international bodies, has crafted a range of scholarships that cater to various academic disciplines. These scholarships aim to attract talented students from across the globe, fostering a rich, multicultural learning environment in French institutions.

Overview of Field of Study Scholarships

Field of study scholarships in France are designed to support students in specific academic areas. These scholarships recognize the importance of specialized knowledge and aim to nurture talent in fields crucial to global development and cultural exchange. For the 2024 academic year, France offers a wide array of such scholarships, each with its own focus, eligibility criteria, and benefits.

Key features of field of study scholarships in France include:

1. **Targeted Financial Support**: These scholarships often cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes travel costs, allowing students to focus on their studies without financial stress.

2. **Academic Excellence**: Most field of study scholarships in France are merit-based, rewarding students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance in their chosen field.

3. **Cultural Immersion**: Beyond financial aid, these scholarships often include language courses and cultural programs, helping international students integrate into French society.

4. **Networking Opportunities**: Scholars often gain access to professional networks in their field, opening doors for future career opportunities.

5. **Research Possibilities**: Many scholarships, even at the undergraduate level, offer opportunities for students to engage in research projects related to their field of study.

In the following sections, we’ll explore specific scholarships available in various fields of study for undergraduate international students in France for the 2024 academic year.

STEM Scholarships

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields are at the forefront of innovation and are highly prioritized in France’s international scholarship programs for 2024.

1. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program – STEM Track

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program, managed by Campus France, offers substantial support for international students in STEM fields.

– **Eligibility**: Non-French students under 25 years old with exceptional academic records

– **Duration**: Up to 3 years for undergraduate studies

– **Benefits**:

– Monthly allowance of €1,181 (2024 rate)

– Round-trip airfare

– Health insurance

– Cultural activities

2. École Polytechnique International Scholarship

This prestigious institution offers scholarships for its Bachelor of Science program, which is taught in English.

– **Eligibility**: International students with strong academic backgrounds in mathematics and physics

– **Benefits**:

– Tuition fee waivers (partial or full)

– Living allowance

– Housing on campus

3. CNES (French Space Agency) Scholarship

For students passionate about space science and technology, CNES offers undergraduate scholarships.

– **Fields**: Aerospace engineering, astrophysics, satellite technology

– **Benefits**:

– Monthly stipend

– Internship opportunities at CNES facilities

Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarships

France’s rich cultural heritage makes it an ideal destination for students in humanities and social sciences.

1. Sciences Po Émile Boutmy Scholarship

Sciences Po, a leading institution in social sciences, offers the Émile Boutmy Scholarship for international students.

– **Eligibility**: Non-EU students with excellent academic records

– **Benefits**:

– Tuition fee waiver (partial or full)

– Annual living allowance of up to €12,200

2. Université Paris-Saclay International Scholarship

This scholarship supports international students in various fields, including social sciences and humanities.

– **Eligibility**: Excellent international students admitted to one of the University’s member institutions

– **Benefits**:

– €10,000 per year for undergraduate studies

– Health insurance

– Assistance with accommodation

3. American University of Paris Scholarship

While not a French institution, AUP offers scholarships for international students studying in Paris.

– **Fields**: Liberal arts, humanities, social sciences

– **Benefits**:

– Merit-based scholarships ranging from €5,000 to full tuition

Arts and Culture Scholarships

France’s reputation as a cultural hub makes it attractive for students in arts and cultural studies.

1. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Scholarship

This prestigious art school offers scholarships for international students in various artistic disciplines.

– **Fields**: Fine arts, design, art history

– **Benefits**:

– Tuition fee waivers

– Monthly stipend for living expenses

2. Fondation de France Scholarships

The Fondation de France manages several scholarship programs, including those for arts and culture.

– **Eligibility**: Varies by specific program, but generally open to international students

– **Benefits**:

– Financial support for tuition and living expenses

– Networking opportunities in the French cultural sector

3. CampusArt Network Scholarships

CampusArt, a network of French schools of art and design, offers scholarships to international students.

– **Fields**: Visual arts, design, fashion, music, architecture

– **Benefits**:

– Varies by institution, may include tuition waivers and living allowances

Business and Economics Scholarships

France’s strong economy and business schools attract many international students in these fields.

1. HEC Paris Scholarship for Excellence

HEC Paris, one of the world’s top business schools, offers scholarships for its undergraduate programs.

– **Eligibility**: International students with outstanding academic achievements

– **Benefits**:

– Partial to full tuition fee waivers

– Mentorship opportunities with HEC alumni

2. ESSEC Business School International Scholarships

ESSEC offers various scholarships for its Global BBA program.

– **Eligibility**: Non-EU students with strong academic profiles

– **Benefits**:

– Merit-based scholarships covering up to 50% of tuition fees

3. IÉSEG School of Management Scholarship

IÉSEG offers scholarships for its Bachelor in International Business program.

– **Eligibility**: International students admitted to the program

– **Benefits**:

– Scholarships ranging from €2,000 to €8,000 per year

– Renewable based on academic performance

Language and Linguistics Scholarships <a name=”language-scholarships”></a>

Given France’s rich linguistic heritage, there are several scholarships available for language studies.

1. French Government Language Scholarship

This scholarship is specifically for students wishing to improve their French language skills.

– **Eligibility**: International students with at least a B1 level in French

– **Benefits**:

– Short-term intensive language courses

– Cultural immersion programs

2. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Linguistic Scholarship

Sorbonne Nouvelle, known for its language programs, offers scholarships for international students.

– **Fields**: French linguistics, comparative literature, translation studies

– **Benefits**:

– Tuition fee waivers

– Access to language exchange programs

3. Alliance Française Scholarships

Various Alliance Française branches worldwide offer scholarships for studies in France.

– **Eligibility**: Students enrolled in Alliance Française courses in their home countries

– **Benefits**:

– Short-term study grants in France

– Language course fee waivers

Application Process and Requirements

Applying for international student scholarships in France requires careful planning and attention to detail. While specific requirements may vary depending on the scholarship and institution, here’s a general overview of the application process:

1. **Research and Selection**:

– Identify scholarships that match your field of study and eligibility criteria

– Note application deadlines, which are often between January and March for the following academic year

2. **Prepare Required Documents**:

– Academic transcripts (translated into French or English if necessary)

– Proof of French or English language proficiency (depending on the program’s language of instruction)

– Letters of recommendation from teachers or professors

– Motivation letter or personal statement

– CV/Resume

– Copy of passport

– Passport-size photographs

3. **Online Application**:

– Most scholarships require online applications through platforms like Campus France or the university’s own portal

– Fill out all required fields accurately and upload necessary documents

4. **Additional Requirements**:

– Some scholarships may require additional essays, project proposals, or portfolios, especially for arts and design programs

5. **Interview Process**:

– Shortlisted candidates may be invited for interviews, either in person or via video call

6. **Acceptance and Visa Application**:

– If selected, you’ll receive an offer letter

– Use this to apply for a French student visa at the French embassy or consulate in your home country

Remember, each scholarship program may have its unique requirements, so always refer to the official scholarship guidelines for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application

To increase your chances of securing an international student scholarship in France for 2024, consider the following tips:

1. **Start Early**: Begin your research and preparation at least a year in advance. This gives you ample time to gather all necessary documents and meet language proficiency requirements.

2. **Tailor Your Application**: Customize your motivation letter and CV for each scholarship application, highlighting how your goals align with the scholarship’s objectives.

3. **Showcase Your Achievements**: Emphasize your academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work or volunteer experience.

4. **Demonstrate Language Proficiency**: If applying for programs taught in French, invest time in improving your French language skills. For English-taught programs, ensure your English proficiency test scores meet the requirements.

5. **Seek Strong Recommendations**: Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your abilities in your chosen field of study.

6. **Be Genuine**: In your motivation letter, express your genuine interest in studying in France and how it aligns with your academic and career goals.

7. **Proofread Carefully**: Ensure all your documents are error-free. Consider having a native French or English speaker review your application, depending on the language of submission.

8. **Follow Instructions**: Adhere strictly to all application guidelines, including word limits, document formats, and submission procedures.

9. **Prepare for Interviews**: If shortlisted, prepare thoroughly for potential interviews by researching the institution and practicing common interview questions.

10. **Apply for Multiple Scholarships**: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Apply for several scholarships to increase your chances of success.

Life as an International Student in France

Securing a scholarship to study in France is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Here’s what you can expect as an international student in France:

1. **Academic Environment**:

– French universities often emphasize independent learning and critical thinking

– Expect a mix of lectures, seminars, and practical work depending on your field of study

– The academic year typically runs from September to June, divided into two semesters

2. **Accommodation**:

– Options include university dormitories, private student housing, or shared apartments

– Many scholarships offer assistance in finding accommodation

3. **Healthcare**:

– Students are typically required to register with the French social security system

– Many scholarships include health insurance coverage

4. **Cultural Integration**:

– Take advantage of orientation programs offered by your university

– Participate in language exchange programs to improve your French skills

– Explore France’s rich cultural heritage through museums, historical sites, and cultural events

5. **Student Associations**:

– Join student clubs and associations to meet people and engage in extracurricular activities

– These can be great networking opportunities and help you integrate into student life

6. **Part-time Work**:

– International students are allowed to work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) during their studies

– This can help with living expenses and provide valuable work experience

7. **Travel Opportunities**:

– France’s central location in Europe makes it easy to explore other European countries

– The extensive train network within France allows for convenient domestic travel

8. **Cuisine and Lifestyle**:

– Embrace the French way of life, including longer meal times and emphasis on work-life balance

– Explore the diverse regional cuisines France has to offer

Remember, while your primary focus will be on your studies, immersing yourself in French culture and student life will enrich your overall experience as an international student in France.


Pursuing an undergraduate degree in France as an international student in 2024 offers a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural immersion, and personal growth. The various field of study scholarships available make this opportunity accessible to talented students from around the world.

By carefully researching scholarship options, preparing a strong application, and embracing the French academic and cultural environment, you can set yourself up for a rewarding and transformative educational experience. Whether you’re passionate about STEM, humanities, arts, business, or languages, France’s diverse scholarship offerings provide a pathway to achieving your academic and career goals.

Remember that the journey doesn’t end with securing a scholarship. It’s the beginning of an exciting chapter that will challenge you academically, broaden your cultural horizons, and prepare you for a successful future in our interconnected world.

Bonne chance et bon voyage dans votre aventure académique en France!

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